Is There Any Need To Tell All Such Tips...
- spare time for your ward and check his/her school bag on daily basis.
- Pay attention to the ranks/comments given by a teacher in his/her school diary/note books.
- Encourage your ward for self study and writing practice. Your ward must avoid excessive TV watching, Computer/Net surfing and friends circle.
- Meet the class teacher immediately when the school is over to know his/her conduct and routine in school and make the school aware of his/her routine at home.
- Ensure that your ward reaches school in time and in proper school uniform. Habitual late comers and dress defaulters are sent home.
- Avoid part leave on petty grounds. It breaks the link of your ward in understanding the concepts taught in his/her absence.
- Ensure your ward keeps his/her uniform and school bag tidy and ready for the next day.
- Encourage your ward to be self-reliant. Do not be his/her servant to search his neck-tie, belt, note books etc. in the morning. Let him/her learn to stream line his/her own life, independently.
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